Monday, September 29, 2008


This afternoon we watched some experimental videos. Some were professional, some done by sudents from last year's class. we got told to pick two that we think were best

The first film, a professional one was Telling Lies, by Simon Ellis.
It was about a phone conversation between several people. the video was simply a black background with the audio and text that was spoken, it included a lot of swear language, mostly in the text and not the actual speech. With the text on screen it would match what was said, and other times it would give the true meaning. If the person speaking was 'telling lies' the text on screen would say what they really ment to say but wanted to keep it hidden or secret. At first it was just the main guy, who was woken up, that lied. As the video went on more people began to lie aswell.
Audio was non-diagetic, as the speech would have been added in after.
the premise is mainly that people lie about what they say and sometimes we can tell they are, other times we cant. the text makes the lie solid as it gives us the true meaning.

The second film was done by a student last year, called Ludias.
It was a bunch of clips all put together with differnt sounds. there were people in the film making the noise, such as humming, banging a door and all this was done in a way that put together it had a good beat and music to it.
As we could see the people making the sounds, the audio was diagetic. The premise was to get people to take all sounds around them and appreciate it.

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