Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I have made a video about being individual and how women don’t need to change themselves to fit in and that they can still be themselves.

My first idea was based on a person going for an interview and not getting the job because if their looks. That idea was too difficult to act out with what I had, so I needed to change my idea and I came up with the individuality idea. It still has a similar idea but the whole set out is different. Also I was not going to have any sound other then the laughs at the end of the film. However as I was editing the film I decided that it would be better with a soundtrack as it would tie the piece together more.

I think that my audience understood my idea of the film because all the questionnaires have the same reason and it is the one that I intended. That people can be individual.

Next time I would have better camera skills as some of the shots were a little shaky and not as smooth as they could have been. The lighting changed at the end because I had used two cameras and the first did not have white balance.

Strengths in my video and instillation I felt was that meaning. It was a good idea and each person asked understood. So that meant that the meaning was clear. Also the soundtrack was a strength; it was made on garage band. The audio was meant to be the laugh at the end and that was it; however music made it more complete. My audience all mentioned the sound as something they liked. I think it was edited well and all the relevant parts filmed were put in and in correct order.

Weaknesses of my film, was mainly the filming. My first camera when it filmed something, the play back was jumpy. I had to get a new camera and film the scene again. This time I had done white balance. The lighting was different because the first camera had no white balance. When on the computer the footage was fine so I used it for the ending to my film as it was the best footage of the scene. Also my filming is a bit shaky and not as smooth as it could have been.

In conclusion I think my idea was good and people seemed to understand and enjoy it. My weaknesses can be worked on and improved for next time.

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