Wednesday, December 10, 2008

task 2.3 written diary.


I did all my filming on Wednesday 26th November. I could have been done earlier, however my first scene didn’t play back correctly on the camera. The tape was new, so I thought the camera was the problem. When it was played back on the camera the picture was jumpy and didn’t play right. So I got a new camera and re-did the scene that I had shot. Afterwards my filming when to plan. The only other problem was the actresses; at times they were not concentrating and laughed a lot so the filming took longer then planned.
When I filmed with the first camera it did not have white balance. The second one does so at one point in the film the lighting is different.


Originally my film was going to have no sound; however I decided that as I made my film it would be better with music played over the top. I had lots of scenes with laughing and times where the people were not paying attention. I had to edit all these out. I found that the editing went well put I did have to cut out a lot. I didn’t have many problems with editing. The only thing was the white balance before where the lighting is different and I can’t edit it out.

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