Friday, October 3, 2008


Discuss both past and current artists and works
The films I will discuss are :Koyaanisqatsi by Godfrey Reggio in 1982, Telling lies by Simon Ellis, and finally 1001 nights by Jananne Al-Ani in 1998

Visually, Telling lies and 1001 nights are similar. Both have a plain black background. 1001 nights with 5 women and telling lies with the text appearing on screen. Opposite to those two is Koyaanisqatsi as it is much more visual, it has lots of different clips that are then made faster or slower.

Audio in 1001 nights is diagetic, the audio was recorded when the scene was filmed. Telling lies and Koyaanisqatsi are non-diagetic. Telling lies had the speech recorded and then the text was added either before or after the speech. the last film, Koyaanisqatsi has only chanting at the start or end and this was also added in after.

Each film differs, the main difference between them are the meaning or premise, Telling lies is based on how people can say on thing and mean something else, 1001 nights is about war and fear and koyaanisqatsi is about life in general and how we all rush around too much, we let the world pass by without paying any attention.

1001 nights is mainly concept, because the film is visually quite simple. 1001 nights has only minimal changes, where the speaker opens their eyes whilst the others remain closed, however there is a deeper meaning of wars and fear to the film. On the other hand i would say Koyaanisqatsi and Telling lies are both concept and craft. Telling lies, has a meaning where people lie even when they say something to another you cant tell if it is true or false. But the making of it would have taken lots of preparation as the speech needed to be typed up and changed into the lie when needed. Koyaanisqatsi has the meaning of life and how we run past it to much without stopping to give it attention. Then all the editing of clips making them faster or slower to match the music, which was specially made for the film. That give it a craft essence as well as concept.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

This is very good Sarah. Can you try to use some of the terminology when explaining the pieces ie. Craft over concept etc