Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Doll Face Review

This will be my 5th review on an experimental film. Last week we watch the film called Doll Face.

Doll Face was made using CGI technology by Andy Huang in the 21 century.
Visuals were a simple room with a television and a box. From the box came a robotic arm and a face. The TV screen changes to show a human face of which the robot copies by applying make up. In turn the screen moves and the robot follows changing its appearance again, soon the screen is to far away and the robot struggles to reach it and in the end destroys its self. The main colour was grey or silver with the biggest splash of colour being the face.
Audio will have been non-Diegetic as it was created on the computer the audio will have been added after. The sounds used matched the visuals with when the robot moved it created sounds. Such as when it moved toward the television and moved the arms. Also when the television moved away. When it moved to far and the robot couldn’t reach it the box gears clanged as the robot struggled to move further then it physically could.
The premise was mainly the media and how people strive to be like what they see. They push themselves and change themselves to be like the people on screen. They can be perfectly fine, before and them the aim to change or want to change so much that they end up destroying themselves.
Thoughts I was left with after viewing the film were varied. At first I was amazed at the craft, skill, time and effort put into creating the film fully using CGI. After this I was thinking about the premise and how it is telling us that we shouldn’t try and copy what we see in the media.

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