Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Narrative and non-narrative structures

1001 nights has a structure, but it is not the start, middle, end one. Each woman has a story and they tell it, then it moves onto the next woman. The structure follows along the screen letting the women speak starting from the left side of the screen.

Telling lies has the start middle and end structure. The man gets woken up by a phone call, the middle is the main conversation and auguring, the end is when he finally gets off the phone and his mother calls again asking why he put the phone down on her at the very beginning.

John smith's girl chewing gum has a simple structure. It follows the film and the day that is seen, it has a start middle and end structure. At first the audience thinks the director is giving all the directions to the cast on set, however as the film progresses it becomes clear that the video has been recorded and the speaker is telling the story of what is seen, he narrates.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

How does this narrative or lack of influence our reading of the work?